Here's a small sample of some of the work we've done around the web. These projects are open source so you can click through to find out more.
A new way to learn touch typing on any platform.
My personal website.
Some cool content about the fully sick project
Some cool content about the fully sick project
Technical demo for contract tracing at large scale
My blog about webdev, science, and engineering
A n-Body simulator running in 3d on the web browser using webgl.
CloudFormation Abstract Syntax Tree
Building websites can be a tedious and painful operation. You need to decide which Content Management System (CMS) to use, create designs, build Search Engine Optimization. Then you have to worry about cybersecurity and back up all your data in case of a ransomware attack.
Wouldn't it be better if there was an easier way?
With a global team and supporting the latest infrastructure patterns our services are low latency where your customers are, anywhere.
Custom content for the Australian market based on known commercial factors.
Get help navigating the complexities of GDPR and accelerate your startups growth by tapping into the global market.
Build your business with e-commerce experts that can optimise your search engine ranking so the right customers find your content.
Unlike most maps we won't forget you. Our custom marketing campaigns will get your site in front of your customers eyes.
Building trust and stability in your brand is key. We're here for the long haul so you can be there for your customers.
We're expanding our services all the time. Get in contact below to see if we're providing services in your country.
We're always happy to get in touch, if you have any questions feel free to send an email to or better yet book a meeting below!